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Monday, August 5, 2019

In my last post, I wrote about being “flawless” and what an absolute silly notion we all have about trying to achieve it.
I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I don’t want to be “flawless”. I just want better health, better skin, and home products that are actually going to leave less of a detrimental environment than some I’ve used in the past.
Now, this is a journey for me, I’m not completely there yet, but I’m learning more and more about the products I’m promoting and the impact I want them to have on my life. I had those grandmothers with their own brand of Tupperware in the form of Country Crock and Cool Whip containers.  I feel sure I wasn’t the only one with an aunt who used Bluebird orange juice cans when rolling her hair.
Coffee grounds and egg shells went to compost, and watermelon rinds and bean hulls fed chickens. I’d rather not discuss the huge ball of aluminum foil that was treated like a precious commodity, particularly at church suppers and family reunions. As a child I thought they were nuts for the recycling ideas they came up with, but now I know that using things that are not only good for me, but also for others and for future generations is not kooky, but smart.
But, how do we choose something better? How do we compare which vitamin works better, or is a better buy? How do we sit down and look at our skin care regimen and not spend forty-seven and a half hours on the internet looking for something that works, has botanical roots, and will also be kinder to the checkbook?
Wouldn’t it be great if someone offered home shopping and cost comparing services? Just have someone come in at your convenience, sit down with you and give you a cost by cost comparison on the things you use every day? Makeup, skin care, health, home products - AND you only have to talk about the products YOU want to talk about. No pressure, no hidden fees, no obligation. Wouldn’t that be marvelous?
Hallelujah, it exists! I have joined with some other fabulous business owners to bring you your own, live and in person, personal shopping experience. We’ll sit down over a cup of coffee and look at whatever you want. We can do only skin, only beauty, only health, or only home. Or a combination of all. We’ll go over cost comparison, we can set up automatic shipments at whatever time frame is convenient for you, and put together a comprehensive package with however little or much you want. You don’t have to change anything you honestly don’t think is better for you.  Easy, convenient, and time saving. How can you say no?
So….don’t. Let us help you. I know how many demands are placed on our time. If we can save you money AND give you more time to do the things you love, AND improve your skin, health and home-….well, I don’t know how you can resist.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Flawless. Miriam-Webster states the meaning of this word to be having no flaw or imperfections. I don’t know about you, but there are not many things in my fifty-four years of being on this earth that I have found to be flawless. It seems that no matter how perfect something appears to be- a job, a relationship, a haircut, a piece of jewelry or art- an imperfection can be found, if one chooses to look hard enough.
And, why is this even a word? Why do we feel we need to be able to place perfection in such high regard? And who gets to be the one to say something is flawless anyway? If an expert jeweler, for example, instead of an art expert,  states that a piece of art is flawless, would he or she be believed? Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as the quote goes, is flawlessness in the eye of the beholder as well? Or do we hold being flawless to a higher standard than being beautiful? Is flawlessness as subjective as beauty? Does it matter if the object of flawlessness differs? Of course, it is doubtful there are set-in-stone answers. Many will say it is a subjective argument. Some may say there are NO answers. Some won’t even care. I don’t. Because I believe imperfections are what makes each one of us unique. I believe imperfections make us interesting and attractive and aggravating and marvelous.
That’s why I’m going to call this blog, “Flawless”. Exactly because none of us are, and because I believe we shouldn’t care. I believe instead we should concentrate on being our best selves and applying it to what surrounds us, and what is in us, and what is on us. Better surroundings, better health, better skin. What is better? Whatever you believe it to be. I happen to believe I will live a better life by not only being good to others, but by being good to myself as well.
 I want good, reliable home products that work, and won’t do any more damage to our environment than we already have. I want biodegradable when I can get it, and I want botanical too. I also want value, and sound content.
I want skin care  and makeup products that work to keep my skin healthy, not just make it look better. Of course, looking better is a bonus that I won’t begrudge, but it’s not my main goal. I want health products that actually work and will make me feel better, but are also made from natural and safe ingredients.
If this sounds like you, then join me. I promise you will never ever read anything that is boring. I promise I will showcase in this blog ONLY products that I believe to better for me and better for you. If I don’t like it, it won’t be put into print that I do. I happen to believe in the skin care, health care, and home care line I promote, but that doesn’t mean I like every single thing. It doesn’t mean you have to, either. I happen think you’ll love what you use, but I’m not going to throw eggs at you if you don’t.
Here’s to new beginnings for me, and hopefully for you, too.  Someone much wiser than me once said that the only thing constant in this world is change.  If this is true, maybe it’s time for a change in the way you take care of your skin, or your health, or your home. Come see me at 418 Beauty Bar on Facebook.  There you will find a link to my Amway page and posts about our many products and services. I hope to see you there!